“Pawsitive Charge”, a brazen startup that spots a unique opportunity to capitalize on this untapped resource. With their trio of innovative and “playful” gadgets, our furry friends are suddenly more than man’s best friend – they’re our power providers. It’s a twisted tale where love for our dogs meets the thirst for power, blurring the lines of affection and exploitation. And yet, in this desperate landscape, society laps it up. The question remains: at what cost?

all 3 devices are producing energy to lighten up a LED, symbolizing energy generation: 
Pawerbank is using piezo elements in the shoes and solar panels charging a battery to charge your phone 
Leash creating energy using a dynamo 
Perpetual Wagging device is creating energy using a Faraday generators: copper wire and magnets 
Unleashed Energy
Unleashed Energy
Perpetual Wagging
Perpetual Wagging
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